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5-051-372-00   Rev B

C&K is a registered trademark of C&K
Components, Inc.

Copyright 1995 C&K SYSTEMS, Inc.
All Rights Reserved


           Industry Canada

NOTICE:  The Canadian Department of Communications label identifies certified equipment.  This certification means that the equipment meets certain telecommuni-
cations network protective, operational and safety requirements.  Industry Canada does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the user’s satisfaction.

Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible to be connected to the facilities of the local telecommunications company.  The equipment must
also be installed using an acceptable method of connection.  In some cases, the company’s inside wiring associated with a single line individual service may be extended
by means of a certified connector assembly (telephone extension cord).  The customer should be aware that compliance with the above conditions may not prevent
degradation of service in some situations.

Should you experience trouble with the telephone lines, disconnect the panel from the line to determine the source of the trouble.  If it is determined that the control panel
is malfunctioning, discontinue its use until the malfunction has been corrected.  Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment, or equipment malfunctions,
may give the telephone company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment.  Repairs to this equipment should be made by an authorized agent of C&K
SYSTEMS, Inc.  Contact your local alarm installation company for service.

Users should ensure for their own protection that the electrical ground connections of the power utility, telephone lines and internal metallic water pipe system, if present,
are connected together.  This precaution may be particularly important in rural areas.

Caution:  Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should contact the appropriate electric inspection authority, or electrician, as appropriate.

The Load Number (LN) assigned to each terminal device denotes the percentage of the total load to be connected to a telephone loop which is used by the device, to
prevent overloading.  The termination on a loop may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the total of the Load Numbers of all devices
does not exceed 100.

This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Industry

Le présent appariel numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la Class B prescrites dans le
Règlement sur le brouillage radioélectriques édicté par Industrie Canada.

Содержание System 238

Страница 1: ...B Using your LED Plus keypad System 2316 System 238 System 2316i System 238i...

Страница 2: ...onsarealso elattachedtotheinsideofyourkeypad s door needhelpwithyour __________________ __________________ Ifyouhavemonitoringquestionsorincases ofaccidentalalarms call _______________________________...

Страница 3: ...ents Deleting a user PIN System 2316 2316i 29 Resettingsmokedetectors 30 Doorchime 31 Standbybattery 31 Testing your system 32 34 Telephonetrouble 35 Smokedetectorplacement 36 Emergencyevacuation 37 D...

Страница 4: ...rarilyremove m Always remember however that bypassed zones are not protected orks ceistriggered thestatusofitszonegoesfromnormaltoFAULTED Ifarmed ndsbyreportinganalarmconditiononsite flashingkeypadlig...

Страница 5: ...tively resofyouralarmsystemarealsooptional andwillonlybeinstalledifappropriatefor somesystemfeatureswillrequireyoutoenteryourpersonalidentificationnumber nual watchforboxeslikethese ehasbeeninstalledi...

Страница 6: ...Oneormorezonesarefaulted off onsteady Readylightwillbeonuntilsystemisarmed off slowflash Armed with 7 on Readylightisonifallzonesarenormal slowflash onsteady slowflash Armed with 4 Flashingzonesarebyp...

Страница 7: ...flashatthe samerate slowflash slowflash Serviceandzoneintrouble Flashatthesamerate slowflash slowflash slowflash Armed with 4 7 Flashingzonesarebypassed R T READY LIGHT ARMED LIGHT REMARKS SERVICE LIG...

Страница 8: ...e rlasttenseconds exitdelaytime doorchime ringbackafterclosingreport zonefaultedduringwalk test chirpalertwarning systemisarmed but aDelayzoneisfaulted you mustdisarmthesystembeforeentrydelayexpiresor...

Страница 9: ...emcanbearmed Formore rmation refertothesectionsBypassingZones andAfterAnAlarm RM THE SYSTEM rPINnumbercanbefromtwotofivedigitslong n tpauseformorethan5secondswhileenteringthedigitsorthecontrolpanelwil...

Страница 10: ...rtant atnomatterhowyoursystemisprogrammed youwillalwaysdisarm nter your PIN then push the key t through any TIME DELAY DOOR within seconds exitdelaytimecanbeprogrammedfrom10secondsto150seconds e EXIT...

Страница 11: ...toenterthroughany perimeterdoororwalkthroughanyprotectedareawithoutsettingoffan alarm assinginteriorzoneswillallowyoutomoveaboutfreelyinsidethepremiseswhilethe em is armed Refer to BYPASSING ZONES on...

Страница 12: ...your PIN if required sh the key enter the digit 4 n push the key 4 keypadwillbeeptwicetoconfirmthatthesystemisarmed meArmingallowsyoutomoveaboutfreelyinsidethepremiseswhilethesystemis ed enthesystemis...

Страница 13: ...hesystem med tHomeArmingarmsperimeterzones andbypassesinteriorzones pt24 hourzones EntrytimedelaysareconvertedtoINSTANT ake sure the green READY light is on redARMlightwillflashwhiletheperimeterzones...

Страница 14: ...hPINscanbypasszones alsowhich escanbebypassed Tolearnifazonecanbebypassed seetheZONE CRIPTION LIST on pages 41 42 er your PIN if required ZONE h the key enter the zone to be passed then push the key T...

Страница 15: ...heZONElightwill h slowly Thered ZONE lightsofallbypassed zoneswillflashtoremindyouthat assed zones are not protected procedures for adding a bypass and removing a bypass are identical To ove a bypass...

Страница 16: ...lted openwindow malfunction nsor etc yoursystemwillnotarm Youwillnotbeabletoarmthe muntilthefaultedzoneisclearedormanuallybypassed CE ARMING ne exceptfor24 hourzones thatisviolatedaftertheEXITDELAY as...

Страница 17: ...atthetimeofarming Ifa still faulted when the EXIT DELAY time expires the bell siren will tochirp ThechirpingwillcontinueforthedurationoftheENTRY time Youmustre enterthepremisesanddisarmthesystembefore...

Страница 18: ...the keypad will sound constantly until 10 ondsbeforethedelaytimeexpires orthepanelisdisarmed thenbeeprapidlyfor ast10seconds er your PIN within conds and push the key ke sure the red ARM light on the...

Страница 19: ...ypadwillflashtohelpyouremember eretheviolationsoccurred his is a false alarm and no emergency response is needed call central station IMMEDIATELY at to ncelthealarm edownthenumberofthetriggeredzonesto...

Страница 20: ...wn the key for three dswilltriggeranalarm Thekeypadwillbeeptwicetoconfirm rmcondition GENCY KEY g the key down for three seconds will trigger an alarm ypadwillbeeptwicetoconfirmthealarmcondition TE Th...

Страница 21: ...ltoourcentralstationbyaddingorsubtracting m the last digit of your PIN For example if your PIN is 1 2 3 4 enter 3 3 OR 1 2 3 5will trigger a silent alarm Your system will appear to eratingnormally The...

Страница 22: ...oursecuritysystemofforon youcan a silent DURESS signal to our central station by enteringUser Code 7 edesignedexclusivelyforaDURESSsignal Yoursystemwillappearto eratingnormally Thereisnoindicationofan...

Страница 23: ...ysbeginsthefirsttime EST COMBINATION is used NUMBER OF DAYS GUEST COMBINATION IS VALID cethetimeexpires theGUESTCOMBINATIONwillhavetobereprogrammedbefore nbeusedagain BACK AFTER CLOSING thisoptionisin...

Страница 24: ...ramming orifthesystemrejectsthenewPIN thekeypadwillbeepfivetimes er the new PIN again and sh the key new PIN can be from two to five digits long but must start with same first digit as the old PIN er...

Страница 25: ...25 t the programming mode by pushing the ey then the key ake sure the new PIN works erleavingtheprogrammingmode ArmandDisarmyoursystemtoensurethatthe wPINfunctionsproperly...

Страница 26: ...key READY ARMED and SERVICE lights will hslowlytoindicateprogrammingmode can use his Master PIN to delete the PINs of Users 2 8 0 er the User number 2 8 you wish to ete and push the key er the User n...

Страница 27: ...6i UserCode 32isreservedforspecialfunctionsusingthe OptionalRelayOutputModule er your Master PIN push the key enter the digit 0 then h the key 0 READY ARMED and SERVICE lights will slowlytoindicatepro...

Страница 28: ...g the ey then the key ke sure the new PIN works erleavingtheprogrammingmode ArmandDisarmyoursystemtoensurethatthe wPINfunctionsproperly enewPINisaccepted thekeypadwillbeeptwice Ifyoumakeamistakewhile...

Страница 29: ...2316i er your Master PIN push the y enter the digit 0 then push the ey 0 er zero and push the key 0 er zero again and push the key t the programming mode by pushing the ey then the key 0 er the User...

Страница 30: ...ightofthezonewhereit s dwillcomeon andthebell sirenwillsound you do anything else evacuate the building Don t go back until you re sure it s safe t ssafetodoso youcanresetthesmokedetectorsbydoingthe n...

Страница 31: ...push the key 5 DBY BATTERY dtherebealossofACpower thegreenPOWERlightonthekeypad out andyouralarmsystemwillswitchtoitsstandbybattery IfanAC rfailurelastsformorethan15minutes theyellowSERVICElightonthe...

Страница 32: ...ightsgoout thesystem bereadyfortesting Walkthroughthe asprotectedbymotionsensors openandcloseprotecteddoorsandwindows Each eazoneisfaulted itscorrespondingredZONElightonthekeypadwillbeginflashing thek...

Страница 33: ...4 then push key 4 6 standbybatterytesttakes2minutes Duringthetest thegreenAClightwillbeoff ebatteryisokay thekeypadwillbeeptwice e battery is low or dead the POWER light will flash slowly the SERVICE...

Страница 34: ...ionteststhereportingcapabilityofyoursystembysendinga essagetothecentralstation Weekendsarethebesttimeforthe RAL STATION TEST To schedule one call our central station at CENTRAL STATION iate the CENTRA...

Страница 35: ...uble onejackislocated oublegoesawaywhenyouunplugthecontrol callusforservice tillhavetelephonetroubleafterunpluggingthealarmsystem plugthe mbackin thencallyourtelephonecompany TE If your telephone syst...

Страница 36: ...OM Placedetectornearall sleepingareas endationsforthenumberandplacementofsmokeand orheatdetectorsfoundinthe ociation sStandard 72 Chapter2 N F P A BatterymarchPark Quincy MA 02269 edetectiondevicessho...

Страница 37: ...everyoneis eadtoadoorthatpermitsnormal beaneasilyopenedwindow blocked windows stairs androoftops ateescaperoutesforeachroom softhesketchineachroom tesfreefromobstruction theoccupantsareasleep menterin...

Страница 38: ...edelaywillbe FAULT Atroubleconditionthatoccurswhenthedetectiondevicesinazone areviolatedormalfunctioningwhilethesystemisdisarmed GRADE A Systemthatprovidessupervisionofthetransmitterorinitiating devic...

Страница 39: ...lmonitoringstationmaybeoutofservice andaresubjectto nsofattack ionwiththealarmsystemmaynotsensefiresthatstartwheresmokecannotreachthedetectors suchasin othersideofcloseddoors Smokedetectorsalsomaynots...

Страница 40: ...lldetection esareworkingproperly Inaddition ifyoursystemisbeingmonitored ouldperiodicallytestitsabilitytotransmitsignalstoourcentralstation tests should be performed weekly CAL SYSTEM TEST Enter PIN i...

Страница 41: ...Y E S NO BYPASS ATION 41...

Страница 42: ...Y E S NO BYPASS ATION...

Страница 43: ...or this equipment This information must be provided to your telephone company if requested The REN may be used to es which may be connected to your telephone line and still have all devices ring prope...

Страница 44: ...y repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment or equipment malfunctions o request the user to disconnect the equipment Repairs to this equipment should be made by an authorized agent of...
