/ EFI /
Electronic Fuel Injection
EFI regulates the amount of fuel released
into the cylinder to optimize performance.
This provides precise throttle response, crisp
acceleration, reliable engine starting and
improved fuel economy.
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Digitally Encoded Security System
To help protect the Spyder from theft or other
unauthorized use, the vehicle will not start
unless the rider uses the correctly coded
electronic key.
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/ VSS /
Vehicle Stability System
The VSS reduces the risk of losing control
of the Spyder. The VSS continuously analyzes
the motion and forces as they relate to the
vehicle’s stability and will intervene and
assist the rider in keeping the vehicle under
control. Incorporated in the VSS are the
functions of SCS, TCS and ABS.
Dynamic Power Steering
DPS provides a computer-programmed,
variable power assist that adjusts the
amount of steering effort required
according to speed, load and torque.
This optimizes steering effort and improves
handlebar comfort, even at very low speeds.
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1 Body. 4 Brains.
Spyder incorporates some of the most
sophisticated electronic management
systems on any vehicle today. In fact
1 CAN BUS system integrates several
Electronic Control Units (ECUs), making
the Spyder one of the most intelligent
and innovative powersport vehicles
on the planet.