HDR Start Value: Specifies where the selected HDR property value is within the bracket, at the
most exposed point (Highlights), least exposed point (Shadows) or in the middle (Mid-‐
Point).HDR Start Value: Specifies where the selected HDR property value is within the bracket,
at the most exposed point (Highlights), least exposed point (Shadows) or in the middle (Mid-‐
Refer to the
CamRanger Share sec*on of this manual on page 20
for more informaMon about
the sharing features.
Insert text here to use for the watermark.
Show Watermark:
Displays a watermark over each full size image. When the watermark is
enabled and the user is sharing images to mulMple devises, the watermark will be displayed
on the shared devices.
Watermark Loca)on:
Specifies the locaMon of the watermark: Center, BoRom-‐Right or
File: Saving & Sharing Op5ons
• The “Save and “Save as” opMons are beneficial for users who do not want all images captured
to be saved onto the Mac.
The image displayed on the main viewing screen can be saved to the default
directory by selecMng “File” on the Mac CamRanger menu bar followed by “Save.”
Save as:
The image displayed on the main viewing screen can be saved to any directory
and any name by selecMng “File” on the Mac CamRanger menu bar followed by “Save.”
• Images can also be auto-‐saved to the Mac computer via the CamRanger Preferences.
Image Share
: When sharing is enabled, the CamRanger user can chose to share individual
images being viewed in the main image view by selecMng “Share” from the File drop down.
• CamRanger ConnecMon: A state dependent “Connect” or “Disconnect” buRon is available to
the user as a troubleshooMng opMon to avoid closing the applicaMon in the case of connecMon
• Nikon ConnecMon Mode
• Afer selecMng “ConnecMon” on the menu bar, the opMons of “PC” and “Camera” are in
the dropdown.
• PC: PC mode allows more control over properMes within CamRanger; however, any
properMes changed are not maintained, and changing sehngs on the physical camera
are not recognized. AddiMonally, images cannot be physically triggered from the
• Camera: Allows the camera to be physically used as normal; however, not all
properMes will be enabled within CamRanger. The CamRanger applicaMon must be set
to Camera mode to allow physically triggering from the camera.
• It should also be noted that the connecMon mode cannot be changed while live view is acMve.
© CamRanger – Patent Pending