RAWS-H Remote Automated Weather
1. Introduction
The RAWS environmental enclosure can be used for configuring a custom
Remote Automated Weather Station (RAWS) that matches the requirements of
your application. The aluminum environmental enclosure houses a 12 V
rechargeable battery and a CR1000 datalogger. The outside of the enclosure
has color-coded, keyed connectors (Figure 1-1) for attaching the sensors.
Besides the connectors, a wiring panel is included that allows the measurement
of additional sensors. Communication options include satellite transmitter and
voice radio interface module. Additional communication equipment
(telephone, cellular phone, radio) can be added to the station. The RAWS data
collection platform is ideal for configuring a custom remote automated weather
FIGURE 1-1. Color coded, keyed connector panel
Keep this manual and the CR1000KD Keyboard Display
with the RAWS.
Review the station siting and orientation
section before field deployment. If a problem is encountered,
review the troubleshooting sections in this manual and Appendix
A Equipment Wiring and Connector Panel Jumper Location.