RAWS-H Remote Automated Weather Station
faces south (northern hemisphere) minimizing the chance of shading from
other weather station structures. Reflective surfaces and sources of artificial
radiation should be avoided. Level the solar radiation sensor.
3.5 Wind Speed and Direction
A wind sensor should be located over open level terrain and at a distance of at
least ten times (EPA) the height of any nearby building, tree, or other
3.6 Barometric Pressure
The CS100 barometric pressure sensor can be mounted to the back plate inside
the RAWS environmental enclosure.
3.7 Fuel Moisture and Fuel Temperature
The fuel moisture and fuel temperature sensor should be left outside at the field
site continually exposed to the same conditions as forest fuels. The fuel
moisture and fuel temperature dowel rods absorb and desorb moisture from its
surroundings. Install the probes horizontally on the mounting stake and face
the sensors south (northern hemisphere) above a representative forest floor duff
layer. Place the sensor away from foot traffic areas.
4. Sensor Wiring
4.1 Air Temperature and Relative Humidity
The temp/RH sensor is connected to the RAWS connector panel “TEMP/RH”
connector COLOR CODED ORANGE. This sensor is internally wired from
the RAWS connector panel to the CR1000 datalogger.
Connector Panel “TEMP/RH” connector COLOR CODED ORANGE
Connector Pin A Temp Hi
to CR1000 1L
Connector Pin B Sensor excitation
to CR1000 EX1
Connector Pin C Sensor signal Lo/AG to CR1000 AG
Connector Pin D Power ground
to CR1000 Ground
Connector Pin E RH signal
to CR1000 1H
Connector Pin F SW_12V
to CR1000 SW_12V
4.2 Rain Gage
The rain gage is connected to the RAWS connector panel “PRECIP” connector
COLOR CODED BLUE. This sensor is internally wired from the RAWS
connector panel to the CR1000 datalogger.
Connector Panel “PRECIP” connector COLOR CODED BLUE
Connector Pin A Tipping Bucket
to CR1000 C6
Connector Pin B 5V
to CR1000 5V
Connector Pin C Ground
to CR1000 Ground