Appendix C. PS24 24 Ah Power Supply
and 10 x 12 inch Enclosure
The PS24 Power Supply is typically used when a solar-powered ET107 transmits
data via a spread spectrum radio or cellular phone. However, the PS24 can be
used for any situation where a larger capacity battery is desirable.
C.1 PS24 Components
The PS24 consists of a 24 Ah rechargeable battery in a 10-inch-by-12-inch
environmental enclosure (FIGURE
through FIGURE
). Typically, the
PS24 is ordered without a charging regulator and the PS100 or PS150 is moved
from the station enclosure to the PS24 enclosure to serve as the charging
The battery should be recharged via ac power or solar power. An SP10 10-W
solar panel, SP20 20-W solar panel, or wall charger is typically used to recharge
the battery. The environmental enclosure is mounted to the ET107 pole using the
mounting kit with hanger.
FIGURE C-1. PS24 enclosure with PS150 and battery bracket