AM25T Solid-State Thermocouple Multiplexer
Short Cut
cannot edit programs after they are imported and edited
CRBasic Editor
If there is a need to import
Short Cut
code into the
CRBasic Editor
to create or
add to a custom program, follow the procedure in Appendix
(p. A-1)
. Programming basics for CRBasic data
loggers are provided in the following section. A complete program example for
a select data logger can be found in Appendix
(p. B-1)
8.2.1 CRBasic Programming
In CRBasic, the
instruction is used to control the AM25T
multiplexer with the data logger. The instruction measures the PRT
incorporated in the AM25T and uses it as a reference temperature for
thermocouple measurements. The
instruction and parameters are as
(Dest, Reps, Range, AM25TChan, DiffChan, TCType, TRef,
ClkPort, ResPort, ExChan, RevDiff, SettlingTime, Integ/f
, Mult,
For information on this instruction, refer to the CRBasic Help.
9. Maintenance
Maintain a level of calibration appropriate to the application. Campbell
Scientific recommends factory recalibration of the AM25T every five years.
Consider the following factors when setting a calibration schedule:
the importance of the measurements
how long the multiplexer will be used
the operating environment
how the multiplexer will be handled