34/89 Device handbook A
with / without LED display
679-19, 04/2016
6.5 Installation of Profibus DP devices
The Profibus DP interface allows data exchange with a control system via Profibus-DP V0. The modular
device model provides maximum protocol efficiency.
Required measured variables are determined during engineering and arranged as a fixed process image.
The control system does not require any intelligence for the evaluation of the data (no tunneling protocol).
Bus parameterising facilitates simple and fast commissioning. On-site the parameters in accordance with
configuration menu
can be set, especially:
- Device address
- Accepting master parameterization (Check_User_Prm)
- Establishing communication to the master (Go_Online)
- Setting device address via master (Set_Slave_Addr_Supp)
For the assembly of the cyclical Profibus telegram the Modbus image is used. Via Modbus
the same image can be used, but it’s no longer possible to use it independently.
GSD parameterization
Typically the parameterization of the Profibus slave is done on the control system. During startup the
adopts these settings. Doing so the parameterization of the input parameters (input system,
transformer ratios etc.) as well as the assembly of the Modbus image will be overwritten. Other parts of
the configuration, such as parameterization of I/O’s or settings of limit values, remain unchanged.
All necessary informations for the parameterization are part of the DMF (GSD) file. This one can be
downloaded from our homepage
The assumption of the engineered parameters can be prevented by deactivating the Check_User_Prm
flag. The parameterization locally set will not be changed this way.
Cyclical data exchange
The user can compose its own „station“ with all required quantities. Up to 60 measured quantities can be
modularly concatenated. You may choose from instantaneous values of the system and imbalance
analysis, mean-values of power quantities and freely selectable quantities as well as meter values.
Subsequent to the adoption of the parameterization, the A
is ready for the cyclical data exchange with
the control system.