Camfil EMC
Rev. E
2021 10 18
Purpose & Scope
This manual is made for personnel in charge of housing installation and filter change & validation.
Its purpose is to introduce the product and provide necessary information regarding
Housing installation
Filter installation & exchange
Filter validation
General adjustment and operating procedures for housings and add-ons
for CleanSeal CL terminal housings for ceiling installation (supply- or extract air)
as well as CleanSeal Exhaust CR for wall installation (extract air only)
and associated Add-Ons.
The CleanSeal product family is open to customization.
Illustrations in this manual represent generally valid principles for the standard scope.
The actual configuration of your specific CleanSeal might be different, depending on type
and custom features.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our customers and other parties for their interest
in Camfil filters, housings and products and to remind them that each user bears the full
responsibility for making its own determination as to the suitability of Camfil materials,
information, products, recommendations and advice for its own
particular purpose.
Each user must identify and perform tests and analysis sufficient to assure that its finished parts,
methods and results will be safe and suitable for use under end-
use conditions. Becau
se actual
use of products, methods and information by the user is beyond the control of Camfil, such use is
within the exclusive responsibility of the user and Camfil cannot be held responsible for any loss
incurred through incorrect or faulty use of produ
cts or information.
Further, no statement contained herein concerning a possible, safe or suggested use of any
material, method, product or advice is intended or should be construed to grant any license
under any patent or other intellectual property right of Camfil or any of its subsidiaries or
affiliated companies or as a recommendation for the use of such information, material, product,
method, service or design in the infringement of any patent, copy write, trademark or other
intellectual property right.