TC-003001-30 / Rev 01
Contact a WKM Representative for part numbers and other relevant information to select the proper gear operator.
The gear can be installed in two positions, with the gear shaft on either side of the valve so the valve can be operated
from either side of the pipeline. However, unless otherwise specified by the customer, the gear is installed with the
gear shaft on the front of the valve (valve body markings) and the procedure below shows the steps for this installation
(detailed in Fig. 16).
With the gear positioned with the indicator cap down, install the mounting studs provided with the order.
Before sliding the gear completely against the adapter plate, check the position of the hand wheel gear shaft.
On all 370D6 series valves the shaft will be oriented to the top right. The shaft will always be at 90° from the
centerline of the valve and never at an angle.
After correctly positioning the hand wheel gear shaft, slide the gear operator towards the adapter plate. Start
all nuts onto the studs and tighten them with the proper open end wrench.
Remove the indicator cap. Using the hand wheel, turn the hand wheel gear shaft so that the key slot on the
stem and operator are aligned with each other.
Using a rubber mallet, tap the key gently into the key slot until it is below the top of the stem.
Do not use
excessive force to drive the key
. If the key does not fit properly, recheck the alignment of the key slots. If the
key sticks out above the end of the stem slightly rotate the gear shaft to make sure the key is engaging the
adapter plate groove. Another key or punch should be used to drive in the key to prevent damaging the gear
operator key slot.
Loosen the locknuts and rotate both stop screws on the gear operator counter clockwise.
To set the closed stop, turn the hand wheel gear shaft clockwise until the key stops on the adapter plate
groove. Back off a quarter turn, then turn the close position stop screw clockwise until it stops and tighten
approximately 1 Ft-lb. for each inch of valve bore. Retighten the locknut.
The hand wheel gear shaft should
always be turned in the closed direction to set the closed stop, so that all slack will be taken out of the
gearing. This ensures a more accurate stop setting.