Calibrate Inputs Menu
From the Calibrate Inputs menu, a user can calibrate differential pressure, static pressure, and process temperature. The user can load a
factory calibration, load a previous calibration, or enter new calibration points.
The measured value
can be viewed with or
without a trend graph.
Repeat Step 2 to enter
additional calibration
Click on Change Task to
select a new parameter
or a new calibration task.
Select the task you
want to perform.
Then select the parameter
you want to calibrate.
Click Acquire Point to enter a new
calibration point and enter the applied
calibration value at the prompt.
Or click Load Calibration From... to load
the data from a factory calibration or
previous calibration.
Click Save Changes to
save the New Calibration
values to memory.
Click Exit
Maintenance Mode
to resume live data
Maintenance Mode
When a user enters a menu in which parameter changes
affect volume calculations, the Scanner 2000 is placed in
“Maintenance Mode.” This locks the input sensor readings at
their current values. When the user exits “Maintenance Mode,”
the inputs are unlocked.