CV-TAC400 Installation Guide |
File: CV-TAC400_IN_MAN__NF_REV6.doc
Revised: September 2, 2014
Part No: 40-82B113
c. Select the Misc tab. The miscellaneous tables will be displayed.
d. In the Time Group table select (double click) the Start Time entry you wish to edit.
Enter the Start Time and then press “Enter”
f. In the Time Group table select (double click) the End Time entry you wish to edit.
Note: The End Time is inclusive, that is, the End Time itself is included in the time group
Enter the End Time and then press “Enter”
Select “Y” in column for a day to include it, “N” to exclude it. All Holidays may be included or
excluded by setting the HOL column.
i. When the editing for the selected Time Group is complete,
select the “Save” button.
D. Configuring Access Levels
Configuring an Access Level means adding an Access Group
– Time Group pair to the Access Level.
An Access Level may contain up to eight Access Group
– Time Group pairs.
To assign an Access Group
– Time Group pair to an Access Level follow the steps below:
Select the “View/Edit Data Records” Menu. A list of submenus will be displayed
Select the “Configuration Settings” submenu. The Configuration setting window will be displayed.
Do not change theCV-TAC400 Address field at the top of the window.