Chill Spa Quick Start Guide
4. Water level
Fill the spa up to 4’’ from the rim of the spa. Once the Chill Spa is filled
reinstall the filter clockwise.
this can
damage the damage the filter housing over time. once the filter is back
in its place you can slide the skimmer back onto the filter housing. the
skimmer slides into the hilter housing with two sliding tabs on the top of
the skimmer.
The water level will shift once a person enters the Chill Spa, adjust your
water level based on the shift of the waterline once the unit is being
5. Connect the Chill Spa to power.
Using the supplied 15 amp GFCI plug, connect it to the outlet running
from the dedicated 15 amp circuit. Once connected press the “jets”
button to prime the internal pump.
6. Programing the Cooling unit.
Begin by using the main spa controls and hold the button for 2
seconds and the temperture will appear on the display. once it does you
may let go of that button and press the cool button to lower the spa
to 39 F, once that is done press the “
” button to save the desired
temperture. Additional programing may be needed.
Refer to page 25 if after one hour has passed and the temperture has not
7. Open Air Vents.
Once water is circulating, press the switch on the left hand side of the
Chill spa to open and close the air vent. When the air vents are opened
this allows more pressure to exit the jets for a deeper massage. this will
assist in clearing the plumbing of any air pockets.
The Chill Spa has several paths for condensation to exit. A
small pool of water forming on the base of the spa is considered
normal. The amount of condensation varies based on the weather
and ambient humidity.