As dehumidifier units are handling air at dehumidified space
temperatures, they must be sited in a similar environment, or insulated
plenum. They must not be sited in colder areas, i.e. subject to ambient
(SEE FIGS 3, 4, 5 AND 6)
In order that moisture can be removed and humidity control can be effected
within the required area, it is essential that correct air movement and
distribution is achieved. The Calorex unit must extract the humid air generated
and discharge the drier air to areas which are subject to condensation problems
(windows, etc.) and or comfort zones, etc.
This can often be achieved by use of ducting and correct application of grilles/
louvres to effect air distribution and movement to these areas.
NOTE:- dehumidifier unit and ducting will be at higher temperature and will
require insulation if exposed to lower air temperatures, for instance, if the
ducting were to pass through an un-heated loft space.
Fig. 2. Calorex Dehumidifier installed within
space to be dehumidified, with top discharge
box option fitted.
Fig. 3. Calorex Dehumidifier installed within
space to be dehumidified, with discharge ducting
SD208050 ISSUE 44