Fig. 5
OXW fileaning
When required the unit should be wiped down with
a damp cleaning cloth
The unit is not protected against the ingress of
water and therefore should not be washed down
in any manner that would allow water to enter the
electrical chamber of the unit e.g. the use of a
spray water jet.
OXB Service light
Certain types of operational fault will cause the
‘Service’ light to flash. If this occurs refer to the
section ‘Fault Finding’ on page 6.
MXB Scale
The Quantum boiler incorporates an integral scale
inhibitor. In general, independent users throughout
the country have benefited from either a vastly
reduced scale build up, and / or much easier
maintenance due to the softer nature of the scale,
which tends not to adhere rigidly to the internals of
the machine. Please note that this is not a scale
eliminator and its effect will differ according to water
MXBXW fihecking the extent of scale formation
Remove the body lid by releasing the four fixing
To remove the lid it must be pushed
forwards to the front of the boiler before lifting
to allow the condenser mechanism to clear the
body top flange4 See Fig4 W
It is very important that the lid assembly is fitted
the correct way round for the condenser to work
effectively4 See label on top of lid
It is recommended that a new
body lid gasket be fitted on re3assembly to
ensure a steam tight seal4 Damage to the unit
caused by incorrectly sealed gaskets that should
have been replaced during maintenance is not
covered by the manufacturers warranty
Competent persons must carry out all
maintenance work4
When the body lid has been removedg it is
recommended that a new body lid gasket is
fitted on assembly to ensure a steam tight
seal4 Damage to the unit caused by incorrectly
sealed gaskets that should have been replaced
during maintenance is not covered by the
manufacturers warranty4
MXW zraining down the boiler
For ease of maintenance the Quantum water
boiler is fitted with a drain valve at the rear of
the unit
The machine should be manoeuvred over a
sink or large vessel that will adequately take
the volume of water from the machine. To
guard against a dripping drain valve, a blank-
ing cap is fitted at the outlet of the valve and
must be removed prior to draining the unit and
replaced after the valve has been turned off.
To ensure regular trouble free operation, periodically
check for scale inside the boiling chamber and
around the dispense valve, see section 6.5 on page
5. The production of scale is a natural phenomenon
and some de-scaling may be required within the first
12 months. This is not covered under the products
warranty as it is not a fault.
The solenoid is fitted with a removable filter at
the inlet point4 This filter should be cleaned as
Check the extent of scale formation on the
MXBXB zeAScaling
Scale deposits should be removed from all internal
surfaces, particularly the heating element, thermistor
pocket and level sensor probes. Gentle tapping or
scraping is usually sufficient to remove scale build
up. If the deposits are soft use a nylon pad and
flush out with water. Abrasive cleaning materials
containing scouring powder and detergents must
not be used, such materials can cause taste
problems. Chemical de-scalants must only be used
in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.
All chemical agents must be
thoroughly flushed out to avoid taste problemsg
health risksg and possible malfunction of the