uPro User Guide (v1.4)
©2009 Callaway Golf Company
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2.6.2 Pan and Zoom Functionality
The uPro also allows you to zoom in and out and pan anywhere you like on the hole. The left LCD select
button toggles between zoom and pan functionality. When pan functionality is selected, the arrow keys are
used to pan around the hole. With the zoom function selected, the up and down keys are used for zoom in
and zoom out respectively.
2.6.3 Displayed Distances in ProMode™ - show images
Depending on the zoom level, the number of features in view and the font size, it may not be feasible or
practical to show all distances at the same time superimposed on the image. The uPro’s software
dynamically determines what distances will be displayed and which ones will be hidden. A colored dot, or
reading point, located next to the distance reading is used to show the precise location corresponding to
the distance being shown. The table below illustrates the meaning of each of these colored coded reading
Indicates corresponding distance being displayed is a reading from the
green, either center, front or back.
Indicates corresponding distance being displayed is a reading from a
bunker or other feature on the golf course.
Indicates that a distance would normally be displayed for this precise
location but is currently hidden due to lack of space on the screen to
display this distance. Selecting a different SmartView or increasing the
zoom level will allow the distance to be displayed.
Figure below shows a typical SmartView of the green that would be dynamically generated. In this
example, the larger ProMode font size is being used and the uPro is appropriately hiding two of the bunker
readings that are less critical from this approach angle and would otherwise be displayed. Increasing the
zoom level in this case would allow for all distances to be displayed simultaneously.