8 — ElectriCalc LT
[Watts] — Watts
Enters or calculates watts (using amps,
volts, and VA or horsepower).
Displays: WATT, KW, or mW.
[Set] [Watts] —Power Factor
Enters or calculates power factor per-
centage (based on watts and VA). De-
faults to 100%. Entered or calculated
power factors greater than 100% will
result in an error. Displays: PF%.
[HPth] — Horsepower (Theoretical)
Enters or calculates theoretical horse-
power (based on Amps, VA, watts, effi-
ciency%, PF%, and/or volts). 1.0 HPth
correlates to 746 watts at 100% effi-
ciency. Displays: HPth.
NOTE: This horsepower should not be
confused with the motor horsepower
keys used to determine motor load.
[Set] [HPth] — Efficiency
Enters or calculates the percent ratio
between real power (watts) and theo-
retical horsepower. Default: 100%. En-
tered or calculated efficiencies greater
than 100% will result in an error. Dis-
plays: EFF%.