40 — ElectriCalc LT
Battery Information
The calculator is powered by a single 3-
Volt Lithium CR-2032 battery. This
should last upwards of 800 hours of
actual use (1 year plus for most people).
If the display becomes very dim or er-
ratic, replace the battery.
NOTE: Please use caution when dis-
posing of your old batteries as they
contain hazardous chemicals.
Permanent Values/Settings
Values and settings maintained in per-
manent memory can only be changed
(1) by pressing [Set] [x] (resets calcu-
lator to default settings), or (2) by
changing each one or all of these set-
tings. The following are permanent val-
(1) Selectable (60°C/75°C/90°C) insulation
ratings and CU/AL wire type ratings
(2) Phase setting (1Ø/3Ø)
(3) The entered values for volts,
voltage drop %, power factor %
and efficiency %