Active Carrier
Select which carrier,
, and credentials to use for carrier connection. The Secondary Carrier
cannot be selected if None is selected from the list. Changing carrier selections requires time for the page to update
and it may take up to a minute to refresh after Save has been clicked. Select
to have the modem choose
the carrier based on conditions you define in the Automatic Carrier Switching section at the bottom of this page.
Primary Carrier
Select the appropriate carrier with cellular protocol (GSM/CDMA) from this list that will serve as the primary carrier.
The Primary Carrier selected cannot be the same as the Secondary Carrier. GSM carriers require that a proper SIM
be installed.
Secondary Carrier
Select the appropriate carrier with cellular protocol (GSM/CDMA) from this list that will serve as the secondary
carrier. This selection cannot be the same as the Primary Carrier. If there is no secondary carrier, select None. GSM
carriers require that a valid SIM be installed.
Auto Connect
Select Enable to allow the modem to automatically dial the connection when the modem is powered, and attempt
reconnection if connection is interrupted. Select Disable to not allow the modem to automatically establish
connection at boot up and not attempt reconnection if disconnected.
If Auto Connect is enabled and the modem fails to connect, the unit will attempt to reconnect two times and then
make an attempt at one minute, at two minutes, at eight minutes, and then every fifteen minutes until successful.
Primary Carrier / Secondary Carrier (details)
Carrier APN
This field is visible only when the corresponding carrier supports GSM. Enter the APN provided by the carrier.
If your cellular provider requires a user name, enter it here. Leave blank if not required.
If used in combination with this modem’s VPN server, this user name and password (below) will also be
valid on this modem’s VPN server.
If your cellular provider requires a password, enter it here. Leave blank if not required. See the Caution message
associated with the User field above.
Authentication Protocols
Select the authentication protocol used. If Auto is selected, the Vanguard 3000 will try to negotiate a protocol with
the cell tower if the cellular carrier allows negotiation. If Use Only is chosen, then the Vanguard will only offer to
connect using the specified protocol(s), where PAP is Password Authentication Protocol and CHAP is Challenge-
Handshake Authentication Protocol.
Normally the cell provider does not require a username or password, in which case leave the User and
Password fields blank. An issue has been identified with SIMs from two carriers (AT&T and Bell Mobility) for special
applications where a username and password
required (which is uncommon but possible). In this case, it is
Vanguard 3000 Series Multicarrier Cellular Data Modem & IP Router PN 001-7300-100 Rev. B
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