Injectable Marinade Concepts and Utilization Techniques
Injectable marinades and brines possess the same characteristics as their counterparts except that
they do not require product soaking in order to impart flavor; moisturize, and tenderize. Unlike mari-
nade soaking methodologies that only penetrate about a 1/4 inch into meat surfaces, require long
soak times, and contaminate expensive marinades, flavor injection infuses blended flavors deep
inside the meat. Conceptually the flavor injection concept makes good sense: instant flavor, yet no
waiting, no waste as marinade is injected, and no fats are required in the marinades to protect the
meat surface during soaking time. Rubs, seasonings, and sauces are used to flavor the surface of
the meat.
As with many culinary skills, proper technique when “flavor injecting” will result in superior results.
The flavoring should be spread uniformly throughout the meat with as few punctures of the meat as
possible. The flavor injector is a syringe with a needle attached to a plunger which allows the user to
inject the flavoring deep into the meat.
Injecting Tips for poultry start with limiting the puncture holes and when possible separating the skin
from the meat and puncturing directly into the geometric center of the meat. Carefully and slowly
inject along the grain of the meat aiming the injector into the middle of the meat and reduce plunger
pressure on liquid as the needle comes nearer the surface of the meat (so meat can close up behind
the needle.) Do not pull the needle completely out of the puncture hole unless to reload with liquid.
Use the same hole to angle into the other areas of the meat, slowing infusing flavor as the needle
moves back toward the meat surface. Remember the object is to spread your injection pattern so
as to get small amounts of flavor in as many places as possible. Occasionally, some of the liquid is
likely to spurt out on the meat surface. Rub the flavoring over the surface of the meat and then rub
and season the surface of the meat as desired.
1. Attach injector needle by turning clock-wise until snug. Do not over
tighten. Hint: Be sure rubber plunger is lightly coated with oil prior to
using. Determine amount of marinade required (1.5 to 2 ounces per
pound of meat) and measure out contents into a clean container to
prevent contamination of unused marinade.
2. Pull plunger to draw marinade into injector. Hint: Both slots in
needle should be immersed in liquid to prevent air from entering
injector chamber.
3. For best results, a geometrically centered injection point
should include one deep and straight needle track as well as
two additional tracks at approximately 45 degree angles branch-
ing out from the original injection point. (See illustration 1A)
4. Once inserted deep into meat, press plunger down while slowly
pulling injector needle out of meat to ensure even distribution of
marinade. Follow same procedure with each needle track at each
insertion point.
5.See illustration 1B for suggested insertion points for turkey.
6.See illustration 2 for suggested insertion points for roast.
Injecting Techniques
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