new RIVER IDRO T2 - TESIS Airtight T2 - MIRA T2 - MAYA idroT2
If this cleaning is not done every 2-3 days, the stove could become clogged with ash after several hours of
operation and go into alarm conditions.
Fig. 22 - Turbulator cleaning lever (Idro Prince
16-23-23 H2O, Aquos
16-23-23 H2O, Idron 16-22 Airtight, Hidrofire 22.8)
For improved boiler performance, once a month it is necessary to clean the pipes inside the combustion chamber.
Open the firebox door and use the supplied brush to clean the 5 pipes located at the top inside the combustion chamber. Do this
several times so that the ash deposited inside these pipes falls into the lower area around the brazier.
Use a vacuum cleaner to remove all the fallen material.
Fig. 23 - Pipe unit cleaning
At the end of each season, before switching the product off, it is recommended to remove all the pellets from the hopper with a
vacuum cleaner with a long pipe.
We recommend removing the unused pellets from the hopper because they can retain moisture. Disconnect any combustion air
ducting that can lead to moisture inside the combustion chamber but, above all, ask the specialised technician to refresh the paint
inside the combustion chamber with the special silicone spray paints (available at any store or Technical Assistance Centre) during
the necessary annual end of season scheduled maintenance operations. This way the paint will protect the inner parts of the com-
bustion chamber, blocking any type of oxidative process.