new RIVER IDRO T2 - TESIS Airtight T2 - MIRA T2 - MAYA idroT2
Changes to be made with the support of the authorised technician.
This function is for adapting the stove to the pellets that are being used. In fact, as there are several types of pellets on the market,
boiler operation is extremely variable depending on the fuel quality. In the event the pellets tend to clog the brazier due to an
excessive load of fuel or in the event the flame is always high even at low powers and, vice versa if the flame is low one can decre-
ase/increase the amount of pellets in the brazier:
The available values are:
-30= 30% reduction with respect to the default setting.
-25= 25% reduction with respect to the default setting.
-20= 20% reduction with respect to the default setting.
-15 = 15% reduction with respect to the default setting.
-10= 10% reduction with respect to the default setting.
-5= 5% reduction with respect to the default setting.
0= No variation.
+5= 5% increase with respect to the default setting.
+10 = 10% increase with respect to the default setting.
+15 = 15% increase with respect to the default setting.
Changes to be made with the support of the authorised technician.
If the installation presents difficulties for smoke evacuation (no draught or no pressure in the duct), the smoke and ash expulsion
speed can be increased. This change resolves all the potential problems related to pellets clogging in the brazier and deposits
forming at the bottom of the brazier itself caused by poor quality fuel or fuel that produces a lot of ashes. The values available are
from -27% to +27% with variations of 3 points at a time. The variation in negative can be used in case the flame is too low.
This function can be activated only when the boiler is on and with power output and heating operation power with parameters
P5, with fan (if present) in V5. Any loading/smoke ventilation percentage corrections must be taken into account. This status lasts
20 minutes, the countdown is displayed on the panel. At any time the technician can interrupt this stage by quickly pressing the
on/off key.
• Use top-quality pellets because they have influence in the calorific value and in ash remains.
• Not adequate pellets cause a bad combustion, a frequent burning pot obstruction and exhaust conduits obstruction. Further it
decreases the calorific value, soils the glass and increases consumptions and ash and unburnt granules quantity.
Humid pellets cause a bad combustion and running, so please assure you that they are stored in dry places and
far at least one meter from the stove and/or any other source of heat.
• It is advisable to try different type of pellets available on the market and to choose that which gives the best performance.
• Pellets of variable quality and size are available on the market: the smaller the pellet, the greater the fuel supply, resulting in
poor combustion
Depending on the type of pellets it could be necessary a parameters adjustment, please contact an Authorized
Assistance Service.