Ap pli cat ion of Co uncil Directive(s):
89/ 336/ EEC
73/ 23/EEC
Manu factu rer’s Name:
Cabletron Sy stems, I nc.
M anufact urer’s Ad dres s:
35 I ndustrial Wa y
PO Bo x 500 5
Roches ter, NH 03 867
Europ ean Representat ive Name:
Mr. J. Sol ari
Eu ro pean Rep resen tative Ad dres s:
Cabletron Sy stems Limi ted
Nexus H ouse, Newbury Busi ness Park
Lo ndon Ro ad, Newbury
Berkshire RG 14 2P Z, Engla nd
Conform ance to Di rect ive(s )/Product St an dard s:
EC Directi ve 89/ 336/ EEC
EC Directi ve 73/ 23/ EEC
EN 5502 2
EN 5008 2-1
EN 6095 0
E quip ment Ty pe/Envi ronm en t:
Netw orki ng Equipment, for us e in a
Commercial or Light Indus tri al
Envi ronment.
We the un dersign ed, hereby declare, under our so le res pon sibi li ty, that t he equip ment pack ag ed
wit h th is n oti ce con fo rm s to t he above di rectiv es .
Manu facturer
Legal Repres en tative i n Eu ro pe
Mr. Ronald Fot ino
Mr. J. Sol ari
Fu ll Nam e
Fu ll Nam e
Co mp liance Eng ineering Manager
Managi ng Di rect or - E.M .E.A.
Titl e
Titl e
Ro ch es ter, NH, USA
New bury, Berks hire, Eng land
Locatio n
Locatio n
Содержание SmartSTACK ELS100-S24TX2M
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