Welcome to the Cabletron Systems
Intelligent Repeater Module
(IRM™) Installation Guide
. We have designed this manual to serve as a
simple installation and reference guide for the IRM, and to explain the
capabilities and special features of the IRM. The IRM provides an IEEE
802.3 Repeater with network management capabilities for use in a
Cabletron Systems Multi Media Access Center (MMAC
You should read through this manual to gain a full understanding of the
IRM and its capabilities.
Chapter 1,
, discusses the capabilities of Cabletron Systems'
IRM. The chapter includes an explanation of the IRM's repeater
functionality and a discussion of the IRM's Management capabilities. The
chapter concludes with a list of related manuals.
Chapter 2,
Installation Requirements/Specifications
, contains a list of
network requirements that must be met before you install the IRM. The
specifications for the IRM are also included in this chapter.
Chapter 3,
Installing the IRM
, contains instructions for installing the
IRM into the MMAC. The chapter also includes instructions for
connecting the IRM to the network.
Chapter 4,
Testing and Troubleshooting
, provides procedures for testing
and troubleshooting the installation of the IRM. Instructions for using
LANVIEW, Cabletron Systems' built-in visual diagnostic and status
monitoring system, are also included.
We assume that you have a general working knowledge of Ethernet or
IEEE 802.3 type data communications networks and their physical layer