Setting the Default Setting Jumper (JP4)
The repeater module is shipped with JP4 in its normal operating position,
over pins 1 and 2, and should not require setting as part of the IRM
installation. However, when necessary, the IRM's network management
parameters can be set to their default values using the Default Setting
Jumper (JP4, Fig 3-1).
To restore the default parameters:
1. Power off the MMAC.
2. Remove the IRM from the MMAC and position the jumper over Pins
2 and 3.
3. Reinstall the IRM and power on the MMAC for approximately 15
seconds. During the time that the power is applied to the MMAC, the
default parameters are restored.
4. Power off the MMAC again, and position the JP4 over pins 1 and 2.
Reinstall the IRM and power on the MMAC. The IRM's network
management parameters are now set to their defaults.
1. The default password must be used to access network management
after restoring the default settings.
2. If the jumper is not returned to its normal operating position, the
IRM will not permit altering parameters via network management.
Setting the THN-MIM Jumper (JP2)
Dependent on the revision level of the THN-MIMs installed in your
MMAC, the THN-MIM™ Jumper (JP2, Fig. 3-1) will need to be set.
: If THN-MIM part numbers 9000043-05 and below and -06 and
above are both installed in your MMAC, the THN-MIM Jumper must be
placed over pins 2 and 3.
To set the THN-MIM Jumper: