Fruit roll ups are a fun way to enjoy healthy snacks and are easy to make at home with your
Cabela’s Dehydrator. Fruit Roll-‐Up Trays are sold separately and available at Cabela’s
Item #04556294.
• Select ripe or slightly over-‐ripe fruits. Wash and remove blemishes, pits and skin (optional).
• Puree in a blender. Add yogurt, sweeteners or spices as desired. The puree should be thick
in consistency.
• Pour 3/4 to 1 cup of the puree onto the Fruit Roll-‐Up trays.
• Carefully place the Trays in the Dehydrator. Turn the unit to the high setting. The edges may
dry quicker than the center; pour the puree thinner at the center of the tray.
• The average dry time for fruit roll-‐ups is 4 to 8 hours on Med to High (135-‐140˚F).
• Once the fruit roll-‐ups are shiny and non-‐sticky to the touch, remove them from the
dehydrator and allow them to cool.
• Peel the fruit roll-‐up from the plastic wrap and roll into cylinders.
• At room temperature, they can last for up to one month when tightly wrapped.
• Choose flowers that are ¾ bloomed. If you wait until fully bloomed, fragrance is already
fading. Because they shrink when dried, gather a large amount.
• Trim flowers so that leaves are removed and the stem is as short as possible.
• Space flowers evenly and in single layer. Use Cabela’s Mesh screen inserts so no dried
petals or bits fall through the tray slots.
• Allow flowers to dry overnight in the dehydrator.
• Dried flowers, herbs and spices used for potpourri should be dried at temperatures
ranging from 90 F˚ to 100
F˚ (30
to 40
C˚) to maintain aroma and color.
• Making dough art or beads is a great family activity -‐ see recipe section for dough.
Rehydrate by placing dried foods in a container (with enough water to cover food) and
soaking for 30 minutes to 2 hours. Boiling water rehydrates foods more quickly than cold
water or water at room temperature. Fruits or vegetables may also be rehydrated in liquids
other than water, including fruit juices, cider, vegetable juices, etc.
• Refrigerate these foods while they are soaking to reduce any risk of spoilage.
• Do not add seasonings, especially salt or sugar, during rehydration because they slow the
rehydration process.
• Pies or fillings — use 1 additional cup of water per 1 cup of fruit – use less, if you desire a
thicker consistency.