- 9 -
sign should be included in the status beacon for compliance with FCC identification requirements. As with normal packet
radio, an optional SSID between 1 and 15 can be included, such as N6BG-2 or BUS-15.
Digi Path
This optional path will allow the transmission to be repeated by digipeaters. It should be entered in the form of call signs or
aliases with optional SSIDs, separated by commas, such as RELAY,WIDE,WIDE. WIDEn-n format is also supported,
such as WIDE3-3. More call signs in the digipeater path will limit the space available for the status beacon.
Symbol & Symbol Table / Overlay
These settings set the symbol most APRS programs will display when this tracker’s
position is received. The symbol table / overlay will modify the display of the symbol by
switching to the APRS Alternate Symbol Table, or adding an overlay character. Use /
for the primary symbol table, use \ for the alternate symbol table, and use a number (0-
9) or a letter (A-Z) for an overlay on the symbols that allow it. The table on the right
shows some symbol examples. Other symbol characters can be found in the APRS
documentation, as well as APRS receiving programs, and
http://www.jarviscomputer.com/jim/aprs-symbols .
Auto TX Delay
This sets the delay in milliseconds after the transmitter is keyed, until the data begins. It is similar to the TXD setting in
most TNCs. A value of 200 ms would be equal to 1/5 second. Maximum delay is about 1700 milliseconds.
Auto Transmit Rate
This setting controls how often, in seconds, a position transmission will occur. Valid range is between 1 second and 65535
seconds (18.2 hours).
Manual TX Delay
This sets the delay in milliseconds after the transmitter is keyed, until the data begins when a transmission is manually
triggered via PTT IN. It should be set to a value less than the Auto TX Delay when using PTT IN for data burst after voice.
If PTT IN is not used, the setting doesn’t matter.
Manual Transmit Rate
This setting controls how often, in seconds, a manual position transmission can occur. If the PTT IN line is grounded, and
it has been at least this long since the last transmission, TinyTrak3 will transmit. CD input is ignored when checking for
manual transmissions.
Quiet Time
This setting controls the approximate delay in milliseconds that must occur after the receiver squelches, before a
transmission will occur. It can keep transmissions from occurring on a busy channel. During the quiet time, the CD LED
will flash quickly.
This setting is included to help compensate for inaccuracies in the ceramic resonator. By adjusting the value, packet rates
can be sped up or slowed down. A value or 128 represents no correction. Experiment with different values to see which
has the best results on a receiving TNC.
Status Beacon
Status Beacon Text
TinyTrak3 can send a text beacon message after periodic location transmissions. This setting sets the beacon text. A
fixed position can be entered here in the form “!3612.34N\11512.34W-“. This message will be sent, even if no GPS is
connected. The number of digipeaters in the path limits the length of the beacon message. If the primary and secondary
callsign and digipeaters are identical, and if the primary and secondary status beacon texts are identical, that will allow
even more room for the status beacon text. For example, if the primary and secondary callsigns and status beacon texts
match, and neither use a digipeater, the status text can be 89 characters (including spaces). If the callsigns or digipeaters
Symbol Table/Overlay Icon