- 10 -
are different between primary and secondary, and 2 digipeaters are used in each, the identical beacons can be 51
characters long, or each beacon can be 25 chars long. The length of the text is also reduced by 2 or 4 characters is
TimeSlotting is enabled, and 10 or 20 characters if SmartBeaconing is used.
Status Beacon Send Every
This setting controls how often a status beacon is sent, in units of normal position transmissions. A setting of 1 would send
the beacon with every position transmission, a setting of 2 would beacon with every other position transmission.
Checkbox Options
Send Altitude
Clearing this setting will disable the TinyTrak3 from transmitting altitude information. If this option is enabled, and the
TinyTrak3 receives a $GPGGA message from the GPS, altitude information will be sent. This option defaults to enabled.
Alternate Digi Paths
This option makes TinyTrak3 alternate between the primary callsign and digipeater path and secondary callsign and
digipeater path with each transmission. It can be useful to use two different digi paths when the best digi path is not
Only Send Valid
Setting this option will disable TinyTrak3 from sending a position transmission when the GPS data is invalid. GPS data will
be invalid before the receiver has locked on, if the receiver loses view of the satellites, or if the GPS is disconnected from
TinyTrak3. Status beacons will continue to be sent even when the position is invalid. If sending invalid positions is
allowed, and MIC-E format is selected, the INVALID flag will be sent in the MIC-E data.
Allow TTL Serial
If this option is enabled, TinyTrak3 will check the serial input level at power-up to determine if it is connected to a RS-232
or TTL level GPS. If not using a TTL level GPS, this option should be left disabled. If enabled, and TinyTrak3 detects a
TTL GPS, it will flash the yellow and green 3 additional times at powerup.
Invert CD IN
If this option is enabled, the sense on the CD input will be inverted. This is used when connecting a radio’s carrier detect
output out to J1 pin 2.
Timestamp DHM
If this option is enabled, TinyTrak3 will send a timestamp with the day, hour, and minute with all APRS format packets.
MIC-E format does not support timestamps, so if MIC-E output is enabled, this option is ignored.
No PTT Out while PTT In
If this option is enabled, PTT Out will not be asserted when PTT In is detected. This can be used to enable the use of a
single wire for PTT Out and PTT In. Replace D6 with a shorting jumper, and check this box, and TinyTrak3 can monitor
the PTT Out line for PTT In.
Timestamp HMS
If this option is enabled, TinyTrak3 will send a timestamp with the hour, minute, and seconds with all APRS format
packets. MIC-E format does not support timestamps, so if MIC-E output is enabled, this option is ignored.
MIC-E Settings
The following four settings configure the MIC-E format. This format is not readable text, but instead a compressed binary
form. It should look something like this:
This compressed form contains position, speed, bearing and altitude. More information about this format can be found in
the APRS documentation at TAPR’s web page ( http://www.tapr.org ).