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5.3 Video Monitoring
1. Zoom
Click twice
(Left button)
Click twice
(Left button)
Double click (Left button)
(1) Use the mouse’s left button to select the image window you want to enlarge.
This window becomes the activated image window. A white line will be shown around
the borders like the following figure:
(2) Use the mouse’s left button to click the active window twice to enlarge.
2. View / Hide the image
If you want to view or hide the image of a certain camera on the system monitor, go to the
video monitor section of the Video control panel (This panel is located in Setup panel of
Control panel).
View :
Hide :
In the video panel, each channel has its own control button. You can view or hide the
image of each channel, one by one.
Note :
This setting will not influence its video recording function!