Enable ‘SOURCE’ Button to Function as Selecting Multiple Sources
This feature will allow the user to simply press the Source key to
select different sources that may be connected to one of the inputs
on the screen, example: IPOD, DVD Player, etc. Enter the following
button sequence *, 1, source, 1, 9, source
Enable ‘SOURCE’ Button to Function as DECIMAL POINT
Depending on the channel set-up from your local provider, it may be
helpful to allow the user to enter a decimal point to access some
channels. To configure the ‘SOURCE’ button as a decimal point,
enter the following button sequence:
*, 1, SOURCE, 1, 8, SOURCE
Screen Set-up mode through controller
Press 7 and 9 simultaneously. Recommended if you have misplaced
your wireless remote.
For questions or if you need assistance with this product, please contact
Broadcastvision Entertainment Tech Support at 1-888-330-4283 x 3.
Broadcastvision Entertainment Toll Free: 888-330-4BVE(4283) www.broadcastvision.com