3) turN oN Ir LIGHt (IF NEEDED), aDJuSt oBJEctIVE LENS FocuS For SuBJEct DIStaNcE
If the image is too dark to easily view (in most building interiors, and outdoors when away from artificial lighting), press the IR button
(C) to turn on the Infrared LED light. If the image is too bright after turning on the IR light (when viewing at close range), press the IR
button again to reduce the IR light level. If the image is still too dark after turning on the IR light, try pressing the Image Brightness
button (E) once or twice to lower the frame rate of the digital sensor. If the image is not sharp, rotate the objective lens barrel (L) to
change the focus until the subject appears sharp.
Do not re-adjust the Display (Eyepiece) Focus (as set in Step 2), unless the display
icons are unsharp.
• auto poWEr oFF
If a button has not been pressed for 10 minutes, the display screen will drop to 50% brightness level. If no button is pressed
within one minute after that, the unit will power off to extend battery life. Pressing any button quickly any time before the unit
turns off will return the screen to full brightness level and reset the auto off countdown process, without changing any other
• IcoN oVErLaY oN/oFF
The user has the option to control how the icons are displayed on the LCD screen. Normally, when any button is first pressed, ALL
icons are displayed for 5 seconds, but no change to the unit’s settings is made (the Record and IR buttons is an exception-image
capture begins immediately the first time “Record” is pressed, and the IR light turns on at the first press of “IR”). If the same button
is pressed again, the button performs its function, and the display icons remain visible for 10 seconds after the last press, before
turning off automatically. To display all icons constantly, press and hold the IR button for 3 seconds. Repeat to switch back to
auto icon overlay (only visible for 10 sec. max following the use of a button).
Press the “+” button (B) to zoom in. Press the “-” button (B) to zoom out. Hold the button down to zoom in/out rapidly. The Digital
Zoom icon at the lower left corner of the display will indicate the magnification factor, from 1.0x to 3.0x (in 0.1x increments).