Bush CMN155DABBT Скачать руководство пользователя страница 9

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User instructions

Getting started


 When the 


mode is activated for the first time the 

unit will perform a scan for available stations . When 
located the first alphanumerical station will begin 
playback while the other stations are stored .

NOTE: If no stations where located during the 
scan, relocate the unit, extend the antenna fully 
and read the ‘Manual Tuning’ section.

Listening to the stored dab stations


 To listen the 


stations that have been stored press 





 button on the remote to cycle 

through the list of programme names . 


 Press the 


button on the remote to tune to the 

selected station .

NOTE: If the display is showing any display mode 
(shown below) other than station name then an 
additional press of TUN- or TUN+  is required first 
to return to the station name before being able to 
cycle through the station list.

Display modes

Every time you press the “INFO” button on the remote 
control, the display will cycle through the following 
display modes.

Error rate

Signal Strength

Station Name

Bit rate



DLS (scrolling text)

Programme Type

Ensemble Name


Channel Frequency

DLS (dynamic label segment)

Dynamic label segment is a scrolling message that the 
broadcaster may include with their transmissions . This 
message usually includes information, such as program 
detail etc .

Display modes (cont)

Signal strength

This option will display a bar indicating the signal 
strength .

Program type

This describes the “Style” or “genre” of music that is 
being broadcast e .g . “Rock “or “Classical” .

Ensemble/Multiplex (group name)

A multiplex/ensemble is a collection of radio stations 
that are bundled and transmitted on one frequency . 
There are national and local multiplexes . Local ones 
contain stations that are specific to that area e .g . MXR 
West .

NOTE: Unlike FM radio, DAB groups several radio 
stations together & transmits on one frequency.

Channel frequency

Displays the current DAB multiplex in use .

Error rate

Displays the signal error rate

Bit rate

Displays the current stations broadcast bit rate .


Displays the current mode .

Time & date

The time & date is set automatically from the DAB or FM 
broadcast .

Performing a station scan


 To activate the full scan press the 


button on 

the remote .


 When the 


 option appears press the 


button on the remote to perform a full scan .

Manual tuning

As well as an auto tune function, you can manually 
tune the receiver. 


 Press the 


button .


 When the 


 option appears press either 




 button and locate 


, press the 


button .


 Use the 




 buttons to cycle through the 


multiplexes, which are numbered 














 Now press the 


button to enter the selected 

ensemble/multiplex, there will be a bar graph 
denoting the signal strength displayed .

Содержание CMN155DABBT

Страница 1: ...Instruction Manual CMN155DABBT ...

Страница 2: ... 8 Displaymodes 8 Performingastationscan 8 Manualtuning 8 Manualtuning cont 9 Pruning 9 DRC dynamicrangecontrol 9 CDoperation CD MP3CD 9 Playingadisc 9 SkippingtracksCD MP3CD 9 SkippingfoldersMP3CDonly 9 FastsearchingtracksCD MP3CD 9 MP3CDinformation 9 RandomplaybackCD MP3CD 10 RepeatplaybackCD 10 RepeatplaybackMP3CD 10 ProgrammedplaybackCD MP3CD 10 USBoperation 11 Playingatrack 11 MP3information ...

Страница 3: ...dintheoperating instructionsorasmarkedontheproduct Themainsplugisusedasthedisconnectdevice the disconnectdeviceshallremainreadilyaccessible Batteriesshallnotbeexposedtoexcessiveheatsuch assun fireorthelike Thissymbolmeansthatthisunitisdouble insulated Anearthconnectionisnotrequired CAUTION CLASS1LASERPRODUCT ThisproductutilizesaClass1laser ThislaserDVD Playerisequippedwithsafetyswitchestoavoid exp...

Страница 4: ...verview of controls 1 LEDdisplay 2 STANDBYbutton 3 PREVIOUS button 4 SKIP button 5 SOURCEbutton 6 REPEAT MENUbutton 7 STOPbutton 8 CDdrawer 9 LINEinputsocket 10 USBinputsocket 11 EARPHONEoutput 12 CDEJECTbutton 13 MUTEbutton 14 EQeffectbutton 15 button 16 button 17 PLAY PAUSE ENTERbutton 18 VOLUMEcontrol 19 ANTENNAinput 20 SPEAKERterminals 21 MAINScable MENU 2 19 21 20 1 3 4 5 6 7 17 16 15 14 13 1...

Страница 5: ...OLD PresstonavigateMP3 foldersfromaconectedUSBdrive PLAY PAUSE ENTER Pressfor play pauseorenterfunctions SHUFFLE INFO Presstoplayback tracks filesinarandomorderor pressinDAB FMmodeforINFO functions TUN 10 FMfrequency tuning 10trackskipbuttons AUTO PresstoautoscanforFM stations MUTE Presstomuteaudio playback REPEAT MENU Presstotoggle track filerepeatfunctionsorpress inDAB FMmodeformenu SOURCE Press...

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Страница 7: ...repeatedlytocyclethroughtheEQsoundeffects Selectfrom FLAT ROCK CLASSIC JAZZ POP Switching input modes FollowthebelowinstructionstoswitchbetweenCD USB DAB FM LINE IN BLUETOOTHinputmodes Main unit 1 PresstheSOURCEbutton 4 repeatedlytocycle betweenCD USB DAB FM LINE IN BLUETOOTH inputmodes Remote control 1 PresstheCDbuttontoswitchtoCDmode 2 PresstheBTbuttontoswitchtoBLUETOOTHmode 3 PresstheDABbuttont...

Страница 8: ...TERbuttontoselecttheoption Scan modes 1 PresstheMENUbutton 6 onthemainunitorthe remotetoentertheFMsettingsmenu 2 UsetheTUN orTUN buttonsontheremoteto navigatetothe SCAN setting PresstheENTER buttontoenterthemenu 3 UsetheTUN orTUN buttonsontheremotetocycle betweenLOCAL Stronglocalstationsonly orDX All availablestations 4 PresstheENTERbuttontoselecttheoption Display modes Everytimeyoupressthe INFO b...

Страница 9: ...sageusuallyincludesinformation suchasprogram detailetc Display modes cont Signalstrength Thisoptionwilldisplayabarindicatingthesignal strength Programtype Thisdescribesthe Style or genre ofmusicthatis beingbroadcaste g Rock or Classical Ensemble Multiplex groupname Amultiplex ensembleisacollectionofradiostations thatarebundledandtransmittedononefrequency Therearenationalandlocalmultiplexes Localon...

Страница 10: ...theEJECTbutton againtoclose 2 Whenthedoorisclosed READING willappearon thedisplayastheunitdetectscompatibleaudio tracks 3 PlaybackwillbeginautomaticallyfromTrack01 CD Playing a disc cont NOTE WhenplayinganMP3CDthefirsttrack fromthefirstfolderwillplayautomaticallyunless thereareanyfilesoutsideoffolders 4 TostopplaybackpresstheSTOP button 7 onthe mainunitorontheremote 5 TopauseplaybackpressthePLAY P...

Страница 11: ...k 3 PressREPEATagaintoenablethe REPEATALB option ThisrepeatsALLtracksintheselectedfolder 4 AnotherpressoftheREPEATbuttonenablesthe REPEATALL option ThisrepeatsALLtracksonthe MP3CD 5 PressingtheREPEATbuttononcemorereturnsback tothe OFF optiontocancelthefunction Programmed playback CD MP3 CD Followthebelowstepstoprogramandalternateplay backorder 1 Stopplaybackoftheloadeddiscifrequired 2 PressthePROG...

Страница 12: ...sfoundinthe rootof the USB device notinfolders playfirst before tracks in folders Fast searching tracks 1 Tofastforwardatrackduringplaybackpressandhold 16 onthemainunitorremotecontrol 2 Tofastrewindatrackduringplaybackpressandhold 15 onthemainunitorremotecontrol Random playback Followthebelowinstructionstoplaybackthecontents of aUSBdeviceinarandomorder 1 PresstheSHUFFLEbuttonontheremote 2 Theword ...

Страница 13: ...etothe lowestsafelevelbeforeplaying andturnuptothe desiredlevelwhenplaybackhasstarted Bluetooth operation Connecting a device WhenusingtheBluetoothconnection youcanlistento audiowirelesslyfromaBluetoothaudiodevicewithin 10 metresoftheCMN155DABBTunit 1 SwitchtoBLUETOOTHinputmode seepage6 2 WheninBluetoothmodeyouwillsee BT appear onthedisplayandtheunitsearchesforpreviously connecteddevices 3 EnableB...

Страница 14: ...ontrol 1 ThePLAY PAUSEbutton 17 onthemainunitor remotewhenpressedwillbeginplaybackofthe selectedtrackontheaudiodevice Pressagainto pauseplayback 2 Toskiptothenexttrackpress 4 onthemainunit orontheremotecontrol 3 Toskiptotheprevioustrackpress 3 onthemain unitorontheremotecontrol NOTE Allothergeneralaudio functions such as MUTE EQ VOLUMEworkas described on page 6 User instructions ...

Страница 15: ...nd damagetheradio Careandcleaning Allcareandcleaningoperationsshouldbecarriedout withtheunitunpluggedfromthemainspower Occasionallywipethecabinetwithalintfreeduster Nevercleantheunitwithliquidsorsolvents Disc handling information Donottouchtheplaybacksideofthedisc Donotattachpaperortapetodisc Fingerprintsanddustonthedisccausepictureand sounddeterioration Wipethediscfromthecentre outwardswithasoftc...

Страница 16: ...TANDBYbuttontowaketheunit NoUSBplayback Nocompatiblefilespresent USBdeviceisformatted incorrectly USBdevicedamaged Addcompatiblefiles MP3only FormatthedeviceinFAT16 32format only ReplacetheUSBdevice Bluetoothsoundis interruptedordistorted Theunitisneartoadevicethat generateselectromagnetic radiation Obstacle s betweentheunit andtheBluetooth audiosource device Relocatetheunitawayfromthe electromagn...

Страница 17: ...guarantee does not cover accidental damage misuse cabinet parts knobs or consumable items The product must be correctly installed and operated in accordance with the instructions contained in this manual It must be used solely for domestic purpose The guarantee will be rendered invalided if the product is re sold or has been damaged by inexpert repair Specifications are subject to change without n...
