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Lubricating drawer slides
Enclosed in the package there was a small tube of XADO. This is a special heat resistant lub-
ricant. Apply it on the bars with a narrow tassel. Open and close the drawer a few times. Now
you need to "burn in" this lubricant. lt will give a lot of smoke. Therefore you need to do this
procedure in a well ventilated area. Apply a normal solder cycle several times.
Spare Parts and Options
Inert gas extension (Optional)
ATTENTION! Provide adequate ventilation or use a protective mask. Make sure that the gas
used is non-toxic and non-explosive when heated !
Inert gas is used to prevent oxidation of the solder paste during soldering. With this extension it is
possible to use an inert gas such as NO2.
We recommend the use of NO2. If you want to use another gas, make sure that the gas used is
non-toxic and non-explosive when heated !! The use of our "suction hood" is strongly recommended
so that only a minimum of gas escapes into the room. Even when using the hood make sure there is
a good room ventilation to avoid damage to health.
Do not use more gas than the process needs!
The flow meter on the oven has a scale for air or nitrogen. If you are using other gases, then the
scale shows only a gas flow, but you can not measure exact quantities.
Due to the construction of the oven, you can not perform a 100% inert process because a little air
will always enter into the process chamber. We recommend a gas flow between 100-400 l / h at a
pressure of 2 to 4 bar use. The flow meter is limited to 500 l / h.
The inert gas is heated before it flows into the process chamber and will not disturb the temperature
Bungard Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG, Rilkestraße 1, 51570 Windeck – Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 2292/9 28 28 - 0, Fax: +49 (0) 2292/9 28 28 - 29, E-mail: [email protected]