TESTING: Door Locks
There are three basic types:
“Type A” Door Lock Test (Most GMs and some Chryslers)
Probe both of your door lock wires going to the door lock switch usually located in the driver’s kick
panel. Attach the clip end of your test light to a good chassis ground. Using the vehicle’s door lock
controls, activate the lock then the unlock, testing both wires one at a time. If one of these wires
tests (+) positive when lock is pressed and the other tests (+) positive when they are unlocked, your
vehicle has a “Type A” door locking system. Make sure to mark which wire is lock and unlock. Proceed
to Connecting Door Locks, Connecting Door Locks. NOTE: “Type A” and “Type C” locks will test the same,
until you test for ground. Make sure you run both tests before making your connections.
“Type B” Door Lock Test (Most Imports, some newer Fords)
Probe both of your door lock wires going to the door lock switch usually located in the driver’s kick
panel. Attach the clip end of your test light to +12V. Using the vehicle’s door lock controls, activate
the lock then the unlock testing both wires one at a time. If the test light illuminates when you probe
the lock and the unlock wires your vehicle has a “Type B” door locking system. Make sure to mark which
wire is lock and unlock. Proceed to Connecting Door Locks.
“Type C” Door Lock Test (Most Fords, some Chryslers, GM Trucks)
(Optional part #778 required)
Using your test light probe both the lock and the unlock wires usually located in the driver’s kick
panel. Attach the clip end of your test light to ground probing both wires one at a time while
The brake wire is located on the switch near and above the brake pedal. The correct wire will show
+12V only when the brake is pressed. Connect the BLUE wire from the 12-pin harness to this wire.
If your vehicle is equipped with a factory alarm system (as most vehicles with a factory keyless entry
are) probe for a small gauge wire (usually found in the driver’s side kick panel) that shows (-) ground
when the door lock cylinder is turned to the unlock position using the key. This wire will usually show
a (+) positive voltage before turning the key. NOTE: Some factory disarm wires remain neutral before
you turn the key to unlock instead of +12v positive. Connect the BLUE WITH WHITE STRIPE wire from the
12-pin harness to this wire.
This feature will keep the engine from starting or shut off the engine when the hood is opened.
Locate a good chassis ground, if at all possible do not install the pin switch in the rain gutter.
Drill a 5/16 hole, insert the pin switch into the hole and tighten. Check for the hood adjustment,
there is approximately 1/4” adjustment in the pin switch. Close the hood easy, making sure that
the pin switch is not keeping the hood from closing all the way, if it does, cut off approximately
1/8” of the black plastic off of the top of the hoodpin switch and try closing the hood again.
Check to make sure that the hoodpin switch remains neutral when the hood is closed and shows ground
when the hood is open. Plug the ORANGE wire from the 12-pin harness into the bottom of the hood
pin switch.
By this time, you should have determined the way you want your vehicle to start (tach or tachless).
If you have chosen the TACHLESS start option, simply proceed to the next step and skip the following
connection instructions. Make sure to tape the WHITE WITH ORANGE STRIPE wire up if not used. For
TACH mode connect the WHITE WITH ORANGE STRIPE wire from the harness to the negative side of the
coil or the tach wire at the coil pack under the hood. To find the coil pack follow the spark plug
wires back to the termination point. To operate in tach mode, make sure to program tach option,
see programming tach option.
This negative input allows you to operate your car starter with an existing second channel output
from an after market alarm. Connect the second channel output to the GREY wire on the remote
starter. NOTE: If connecting to the alarm’s second channel output, make sure the switch is in
POSITION 1. The switch must be flipped towards the harness header. If connecting to factory keyless
entry, make sure the switch is in POSITION 2. The switch must be flipped away from the harness
This positive input needs three consecutive pulses within three seconds. To find the input wire,
probe the driver’s side kick panel for a heavy gauge wire coming from the door (on most vehicles).
This wire reads negative until the lock button is pressed, then it will read positive. Test this
by pressing both the door switch and the transmitter to the factory keyless entry separately. Diode
isolate the GREY wire from the RS302 module to the lock actuator wire.