4. With the engine key switch in the run position, disconnect the nozzle wires leading from the
rotation motor and wire harness (white and grey) at the quick disconnects. The following test will
require an electronic multi-meter, set to read at least 12 volts.
Insert the red probe into the white wire and black probe into the grey wire. Press the nozzle
buttons CW or CCW. (Voltage should read approx. +12 volts in one direction and approx.
– 12
volts in the opposite direction.) If the proper voltage is confirmed and all wire connections are
secure, proceed to step # 5
If proper voltage has not been verified contact Buffalo Turbine for further instructions.
5. Apply power to the rotation motor directly. Both wires from rotation motor need to be connected
to the battery. (Ex. white to positive terminal & black to negative terminal) Then reverse the wire
connections to the battery. (Ex. black to positive terminal & white to negative terminal)
If rotation motor rotates in both directions, the motor is ok.
If rotation motor will not rotate in either direction with power applied contact Buffalo Turbine.
If rotation motor rotates in one direction but the other, contact Buffalo Turbine.
If necessary, contact Buffalo Turbine at 716-592-2700 for more instructions.
(Ref # 1)
(Ref # 2)