FM443 Function module - We reserve the right to make technical modifications.
The functions of the FM443
Setting buffer and bypass flow
Depending on the temperature difference between the buffer tank
(sensor FPB-FP) and the system return (sensor FPB-FR), the
buffer bypass control controls the operation of the 3-way valve.
Buffer integration: flow rate through buffer tank
Buffer tank bypass: flow bypassing the buffer
(directly into the return of the boiler or of the low loss header)
If the temperature in the buffer tank is greater than the temperature
in the system return by the amount specified under "buffer in use if
T greater" then the flow rate is managed through the buffer tank.
The buffer tank is flowed through as long as the temperature
difference buffer tank/system return does not exceed the set value
for "bypass in use if
T greater". If this temperature difference is
underrun, then there is a switch to the bypass as long as the
changeover threshold "buffer in use if
T greater" is not reached
again, etc.
If you have activated the buffer bypass changeover, then you can
set the changeover thresholds for buffer and bypass flow on the
"SOLAR DATA" menu.
The changeover threshold for the bypass flow must always be
smaller than the changeover threshold for the buffer flow.