BTL - 09
user manual & user's guide
page 26 of 42
33. Osteoplastica
(implantation of a bone graft - for speeding up the healing)
Program: 29.
Duration: 20 - 60 minutes a day for a period of 2-3 months, possibly repeatedly, larger doses.
Application: max. 18mT for 20 minutes for disc, max. 13mT for 10 minutes for small solenoid, for UL and LL small
Comment: Patient is relieved of pain, X-ray changes of the skeleton are apparent later. At the same time it is
recommended to give Ca, F, anabolics, and vitamin D to support bone metabolism.
34. Osteoporosis
Program: 65.
Duration: 20-60 minutes per therapy for 4 – 5 weeks.
Application: max. 12mT for 20 minutes or max. 4mT for 90 minutes
Comment: Although pulse magnetotherapy can alleviate suffering, recalcification is rare, even when combined with
Ca, F, vitamin D or Miacalcic therapy.
35. Osteosynthesis
(for speeding up the healing)
Program: 29.
Duration: 60-120 minutes a day for a period of 2-3 months, possibly repeatedly, larger doses.
Application: max. 17mT for 20 minutes, max. 13mT for 15 minutes for small solenoid, for UL and LL small solenoid.
Comment: Patient is relieved of pain, X-ray changes of the skeleton are apparent later. At the same time it is
recommended to give Ca, F, anabolics, and vitamin D to support bone metabolism.
36. Ostitis
Program: 8.
Duration: Lengthy, up to several hours a day. For example, 3 times a day max. for 90 minutes per session.
Application: 3-5mT.
Comment: It is always necessary to remove sequesters and evacuate hollows with a pus content. Plaster or metal
implants have no effect on the therapy.
37. Paralysis nervi
(peripheral nerve paresis)
Program: 14.
Duration: 30 minutes per therapy session.
Application: 12mT for applicators other than solenoids. Use 6mT for solenoids. Place applicator according to the
Comment: At the same time, it is necessary to supplement therapy with physical rehabilitation procedures. A joint
application of vitamin B12 1000 gamma and B1 i.m. at least three times a week has proved to be effective.
38. Periartritis humeroscapularis
(Frozen shoulder)
Program: 15 or 29.
Duration: Daily, for 14-21 therapy sessions for 30 minutes per session.
Application: 12mT for applicators other than solenoids. Use 6mT for solenoids. Place applicator on the affected area.
39. Poliomyelitis anterior
Program: 31.
Duration: 1-2 times a day for 30 minutes for up to 5 weeks, with a time lapse of 1 or 2 months between new
Application: 6-12mT for an applicator other than solenoid. Use 3-6mT for solenoid. Place the applicator under the
head and the body.
Begin the therapy with the low intensity and increase after each month.
40. Polyarthritis iuvenis
Program: 4 or 17.
Duration: 30 minutes per day.
Application: 4-6mT. Use big solenoid for the entire body. For affected joints, use small solenoid or double cover.
Comment: Double cover permits the use of a higher intensity - 8-10mT.