to confirm the automatic mode of GSM detection, so, in this case,
the roaming mode;
(Use this code with SIM card of Virtual GSM Operator, and if the device is installed near the State
boundaries and the manually selection of the GSM operator fails.)
##1111#1#2#operator code#
to select the manual mode of GSM detection, to a specific GSM
(Use this code in installation near the State boundaries, to select manually a specific GSM operator)
In this last case the operator code consists of 5 digits, and it is the operator code number assigned
to each operator worldwide, for example in Italy:
22201 for TIM
22210 for Vodafone
22288 for WIND
GSM/PSTN interface can accept also codes different from Italian codes.
If the device can detects the specific GSM operator, selected manually, the device will work in
regular mode. If the device can not detects the specific GSM operator, GSM/PSTN interface will
came back in automatic mode and the roaming situation will be ri-detected the above procedure
will be repeated.
If the GSM/PSTN interface works in roaming mode after the inserting previous code, the Status
led is OFF.
The configuration will be saved automatically so after a switch-off/switch-on of the device, it is not
necessary repeat the above sequences.
The two codes above described could be accepted anytime.
To restore the factory configuration, it is enough digit the following DTMF code: