Functions and parameters
© BT
Repair manual
SWE100, 120, 120L, 120S, 140, 140L, 200D
6 – 1
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6 – Functions and parameters
6.1 General
The chapter “Function and parameters” provides a basic description of
the truck's main functions and the control system parameters.
6.2 Function description
The section "Function description" provides a basic description of the
truck's main functions.
Event – Use of one of the truck's main functions is referred to as an
event. All events are indicated by a number.
Prior events – Indicates events which must have taken place
immediately before the current event in order for the latter to be
performed correctly.
Action(s) – An action that the operator must perform in order for an
event to happen.
Influencing factors – Conditions that must be fulfilled in order for an
event to happen. Certain parameter settings may also affect the
outcome of the event.
Resulting conditions – Describe the key events that can be checked
in order to confirm a function.
Note that “resulting conditions” show what is expected when no error
conditions are present.
Text within square brackets [ ] refers to the electrical component names
in the truck's wiring diagram.
{High} means
24 V and {low}
0 V unless otherwise stated.