: Advanced Installation and Configuration Instructions
Manufacturer reserves the right to change, at any time, specifications and designs without notice and without obligations.
Power Extender Kit (PEK)
In the example above, the PEK is shown with wire labels. The Red wire goes to Rc and the White wire goes to W. However, the Green wire, which is
labeled G in the drawing does not go to G. Instead it becomes the common wire. The Yellow wire, labeled Y, goes to the PEK terminal.
Add-A-Wire Kit
The Venstar Add-a-Wire Kit, works similar to the PEK. Normally this would not be needed because the PEK comes with the ecobee. However, the
PEK is limited to one extra wire and only one PEK can be used per system.
Several Add-a-Wire Kits can be used if needed. Each wire in the wall can be split using the diode to take care of two terminals on the thermostat. The
only rule is that R and C cannot be split. For example, if 6 wires are needed and only 4 wires are in the wall and you needed 6, two kits could
accomplish it.
A Fast-Stat Wiring Extender can be used instead of an Add-a-Wire. The Honeywell Wiresaver cannot be used since it has a proprietary language and
only works with certain Honeywell thermostats.
Photo credit: Venstar