Any changes or modifications made to this device that are not expressly
approved by Prometheus Group LLC may void the user’s authority to operate the
Mobile App
Upon opening the mobile app you will be at the Main Page. On the Main Page the thumbnails from all
cameras on your plan will be displayed and all of the apps functions can be accessed. Use the guide
below to learn how to navigate the Strike Force Wireless app.
Sorting and Filtering:
By using the Sorting Icon the thumbnails displayed on the Main Page can be sorted by Date, Time,
Temperature, Pressure and Moon Phase.
The default setting is Newest to Oldest.
By using the Filter Icon the images on the Main Page can be filtered by camera and category.
To upload the HD images and videos for specific thumbnails press Select. Once Select has been pressed
a menu will appear at the bottom of the screen. You can select all of the thumbnails at once you would
like to perform any of the following functions to:
By assigning a name to a thumbnail or image it can be categorized. The categories can then be
used to help filter on the Main Page.
By requesting the full HD file you will be receiving the full quality images and videos when the
camera performs its next scheduled sync.
10 Seconds is the maximum amount of time that can be uploaded for any video.
Using the Share function allows you to share what your camera has captured.
Using the Delete function allows you to delete images, videos and thumbnails within the app.
This does not delete the images and videos from the SD card in the camera.
Plan Usage and Camera Settings:
By selecting Cameras from the Main Page you will be taken to a page that shows each camera on your
plan. Select a camera. Upon entering your Subscription information will be displayed such as the
cameras battery level, signal strength and the SD card storage. The plan usage for the current period will
also be listed.
When Settings is selected from this page you can view the cameras current settings as well as make
Any time settings are changed they will not go into effect until the cameras next scheduled sync time.