Principle of operation:
The smoker box requires wood chips to work. The smoke generated by glowing wood chips passes
through a special cut-out to the smoke pipe, from which it is injected to the smoking chamber
together with air generated by the pump.
In the smoker box it is best to use a mix of wood chips with size of 2 or 4 mm, best in 50/50 ratio.
Such a mix ensures optimal functioning of the smoker box.
Method of assembly:
Make an opening with diameter of 20 mm in the bottom part of the smokehouse. Place the smoker
box [2] there, positioned vertically, and mark the assembly openings. At the points designated, drill
openings with diameter of 8.5 mm and tighten the smoker box with 4 bolts [10] and nuts [11]
included in the set.
Use one washer [9] for each bolt on the bolt head side, as well as on the nut side. The lid requires
assembly. Using a screw, attach the small lid with the large lid, and then screw the knob. In case
of problems - the order of individual elements is in the diagram.
How to use:
Insert wood chips into the smoker box [2], previously installed on the smokehouse, in amount
sufficient for covering at least the smoke pipe (it is recommended to use more) and close the
chamber with the lid [1]. Install two
5/4mm hoses with length of 210mm [4] onto the pump stub
pipes [3] and connect the free ends to the tee [5]. Connect the Φ5/4mm hose with length of 820mm
[6] to the free stub pipe of the tee. Put the adapter [7] into the hose connected and put the Φ8/5mm
hose with length of 100mm [8] onto the adapter. That hose has also to be put onto the stub pipe of
the smoker box smoke pipe. Light the wood chips in the smoker box through the openings on the
side of it and connect the pump [3] to the power supply. Air flow should be adjusted using knobs on
the pump until the desired effect is obtained.
Depending on the temperature, we recommended the following smoking methods:
cold smoking
It takes place in the temperature from 8 to 25ºC and results in the strongest drying of smoked meat.
It also requires a lot of time. It should be carried out with breaks, in multiple phases. The first phase
of smoking usually takes 5-12 hours. Airing (taking about 5 hours) is carried out between phases
and aims at supplying fresh air. It causes additional drying of smoked meat and also creates
appropriate aroma.
Depending on the product, the whole cold smoking process consists of 3 - 5 phases. This method
is used mainly for smoking raw meat sausages and corned raw products (mainly dry). The products
prepared in this manner are long-lasting, tasty, and can be stored for a long time. At the same time
it is necessary to remember to store them in a cool, dark, and draughty place. The products should
not touch one another. They should also be protected against dust and light.
hot smoking
(only in smokehouses fitted with an additional heat source)
In case of using very thick wood chips it is recommended to reduce the air flow,
which will decrease wood chip consumption.
The functioning of the smoker box depends on atmospheric conditions as well.
In case of strong wind the combustion in the smoker box occurs spontaneously,
which is why it is necessary to set a lower air flow on the pump.