RTU32N Installation and Wiring
Brodersen A/S, Islevdalvej 187, DK-2610 Roedovre, Denmark, Tel: +45 45 35 26 27, Fax: +45 45 35 26 29, Email: [email protected]
located on the I/O board, beside the output of each channel (for AI0-AI4), and also on the extended board, if available (in 42IO version
for extended AIs). For each channel, the related jumper should be set for current mode, or should be removed for voltage mode.
Figure 11: Current/Voltage mode selection jumpers (for AI0-AI3)
Figure 12: Current/Voltage mode selection jumpers in extended board
(for extended AIs)
For each channel in each mode, the values for input range and filter are configured through web-based configurator and/or WorkSuite
configuration (details are provided in RTU User Guides).
Figure 13: Analog input wiring diagram
Note: The shield must be connected to the common terminal ( C ).
Extended IOs Wiring
Type of these I/Os are not fixed and could be varied according to the I/O card (I/O plug-in expansion card) version.
Current/Voltage mode
selection jumpers
Channels 0 and 3: current mode
Channel 2: voltage mode
Current/Voltage mode
selection jumpers