Airplane Maintenance Manual
Chapter 72
Chapter 72 Page 10
Issue: 09.12.2021
As soon as engine runs, adjust throttle to achieved
smooth running at approximate 2500 rpm.
Check if oil pressure has risen within 10 sec. and
monitor oil pressure
If oil pressure does not rise within 10 sec. above min. pressure 0.8
bar (12 psi), switch off the engine. Admissible max. oil pressure 7 bar
(102 psi) for a short period at cold start. Fuel pressure has to be in
range from 2.9
3.2 bar (42
45 psi).
Engine warm up according to the AFM of Bristell B23-915
(Par. 4.4)
As soon as oil pressure will be in range from 2 to 5 bar
(29 to 73 psi) start warming up period at 2000 rpm for
2 minutes, continue at 2500 rpm, duration depending on
ambient temperature, until oil temperature reaches 50°C
Perform lane check acc. to the AFM of Bristell B23-915
(Par. 4.4).
RPM drop with only one LANE running must not exceed 250 RPM.
After LANE switch on again wait 3 Seconds until continuing with the
next step. Write down results into the engine test report, see Table 1.
Perform pump and fuel supply check acc. to the AFM of
Bristell B23-915 (Par. 4.4)
Perform wastegate and prop check acc. to the AFM of
Bristell B23-915 (Par. 4.4)
Watch engine instruments and record the values of oil pressure, oil
temperature and cylinder head temperature into the Engine test
report, see Table 1.
Test of max. RPM on the ground:
Throttle lever fully forward for maximum power
Record max. RPM into the engine test report, see Table 1.