• From a mechanical air inlet, including a spa blower, measured both vertically and horizontally.
• A flue terminal of this type shall not be located under a roofed area, unless the roofed area is fully open on at
least two sides, and a free flow of air at the appliance is achieved.
10. Classic Upflow/Downflow Model Guidelines
10.1 Heater Dimensions
10.2 Service Clearances
Upflow and Downflow heaters are generally designed to be installed in a cupboard or other room or enclosure.
These heaters can also be installed outside, but must then be shielded by a weatherproof and draught proof housing.
• There must be a minimum air gap of 63mm maintained on the left hand side of the heater for its entire height.
• There must be a minimum air gap of 75mm maintained at the front of the heater for its entire height.
• Air for combustion and relief must be provided (see ventilation for internal heaters). A louvre door is suitable,
provided the free area meets the requirements. Care should be taken when venting to adjacent rooms that these
rooms are well vented (halls, cellars, etc).
• A minimum clearance of 600mm must be provided at the front of the heater for its entire height. If the heater is
installed in a cupboard, an opening door would satisfy this requirement.
10.3 Ventilation for Inside Heaters
If the heater is installed in a room or space where the total gas input exceeds 3MJ/hr for each cubic metre within
that room or space, then air for combustion and relief must be provided. Two openings are necessary, one at high
level and one at low level. Each must have an area of not less than 600mm
/MJ of gas input. Ensure that any
additional requirements outlined in AS 5601 are adhered to.
10.4 Internal Flueing Instructions
• The Downflow heater is fitted with a transition to a round flue of 125mm diameter.
• The Upflow model has a spigot to accept a 125mm flue.
• The Flue must be installed in accordance with the gas regulations.
• A 125mm round single or twin wall non-corrosive metal flue is required, and must be terminated with an
approved 125mm round metal flue cowl, in accordance with the AS 5601 Gas installations.
• All flues must have a bolted flue sleeve connection.
11. Ducting Information
Good duct design and sizing are essential to every Brivis Central Heating system. Use the Brivis “SuperSizeGuide”
and technical data within this manual for the best results and follow these guidelines:
• Ductwork should be well insulated and airtight and have a minimum insulation rating of R1.O (R1.5 in some
areas). Ensure that ducting complies with the Building Code of Australia.
• The ducting should be well fastened to pops, BTO’s, and outlet boots and neck adapters adequately with duct
tape, in accordance with AS 4254.
• It should also be properly sized, and curves and bends should be smooth enough to ensure that the air flows
through efficiently, quietly and with minimal resistance.
• The registers and diffusers should be large enough and of good design. They should minimise noise, while
providing the correct distribution pattern.
• The positive return air system should be fitted with a grille large enough to accept the full air capacity of the
system at low noise levels.
U20 & U20 XA (a)
U26 & U26 XA (b)
D20 & D20 XA
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