Install Using Lap & Shoulder Seat Belt
2. Move the head support up or
down so that the slot in the seat
belt guide is level with your child's
s h o u l d e r.
3. Fasten the lap & shoulder belt
a c ross the Cru i s e r. The lap section
of the belt should sit as far forw a rd
as possible over the hips. Make
s u re the belt is not twisted.
4. Thread the shoulder section
of the belt through the belt
guide as shown.
5. Pull the shoulder belt here
to tighten the lap section.
NOTE: Children will some-
times try to put the shoulder
belt under their arm. Corre c t
this immediately - an incor-
rectly worn belt will cause
injuries in a crash.
Install Using Lap & Shoulder Seat Belt
6. With your other hand pull
the shoulder belt tight
t h rough the seat-belt guide.
Again, make sure the seat belt
is not twisted.
7. Your child and Cru i s e r
should now be secure .
Releasing Your Child
To release your child fro m
the Cruiser simply unbuckle
the belt.
Do not leave your Cruiser loose. Always fasten the belt acro s s
the Cruiser when it is not being used by your child.
In the event of an emerg e n c y, seat belts are designed to meet
the recognized standard for quick release. Children should be
educated to not play with the seat belt buckle. After the acci-
dent, the Cruiser and seat belts should be replaced. Although
they may look undamaged, there can be hidden damage or