HD4001 US Issue 01
If caring for small animals with long claws such as hedgehogs, the door edge strip may be fitted as shown
to ensure claws cannot pass through any door gap:
Place the white evaporating block in the clear water pan. Open the door and lift the pan into position, it
pushes up and across into two slots on the heater enclosure. The pad may need to be softened with a
little water to help it flatten while the pan is fitted. The pan is located in this manner to help prevent
accidental removal by animals.
Air Filter
Loosen the bottom
hinge/cabinet fixings by half a
turn so that the hinge
becomes free to move.
Slide the door as far as it will
go in the direction of the
door latch. Tighten the fixings
while holding the door.
Loosen the top hinge/cabinet
fixing. Move it so that the
door becomes level in the
frame and opens/closes
freely. Tighten the fixings.
Observe the length of any ‘V’ shape
gap that a claw could fit through. Cut
the door edge strip to fill the length of
the gap.
Open the door wide and press the door edge strip into
place on the door. Close the door and check the strip
does not force the door outward. Trim the length of
the edge strip if necessary.