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Link Statistics Page
Selecting from the navigation pane Radio Functions>Link Statistics
opens the following screen.
Figure 9: Link Statistics Page
This page will display different type of errors. It also contains two buttons:
Refresh and Reset Statistics as well as an “Auto-refresh” select box. When
this box is selected, the statistics will update in one second intervals. The
errors reported on this page are related to the wireless link only. These are
errors that have occurred within the last 15 minutes as well as the last 24hrs.
The last line reports the date and time when the “Last Update” was reported.
Statistics Description:
Severely Errored Seconds (SES): Number of seconds where the link
had greater than 30% errored blocks for that second.
Errored Seconds (ES): Number of seconds where the link had one or
more errored blocks for that second.
Unavailable Seconds (UAS): Number of seconds where the link was
out of service.
Severely Error Periods (SEP): Number of periods that there were 3
to 9 consecutive SES seconds.
Severely Errored Second Ratio (SESR): Ratio of Severely Errored
Seconds to the total number of seconds in the time period.
Errored Second Ratio (ESR): Ratio of Errored Seconds to the total
number of seconds in the time period.
Severely Errored Period Intensity (SEPI): The number of SEP
events in the period divided by the total seconds in the time period.