You can see blue arrows (left / right) and red arrows (left / right) between the two
bigger fields. If you click the blue arrow to the left,
races in the right field are
transferred to the left field. If you click the red arrow to the left, only the selected
race is transferred from the right field to the left field. If you click the blue arrow to
the right,
flights in the left field are transferred to the right field. If you click the
red arrow to the right, only the selected race is transferred from the left field to the
right field. If the race is not in the list you can add a new release place.
, position
your cursor in the last
field of the new row and
enter the release place.
again. The program now
gives a race ID to the
race you just entered.
You can also delete
race you added
. You can do
this from the left and the
right field. Position your
cursor on the row which
needs to be deleted and
click the button
. Use the left button
"Delete race"
to delete a
race from the left field,
use the right button
"Delete race"
to delete a
race from the right field.
The race has now been
removed from the
Race badges
which are already in
the PC program cannot
be deleted!