Wall mount install manual body 04-25-07.doc
Counter-timer, spacer bar, photocells
a piece of 1 1/2" square tubing with a threaded hole at
one end and a stud at the other (It is shipped bolted to the back-
Bolt the spacer-bar between the two channels
about one foot
above the adjuster pipe. Use the lowest of the three small holes.
The stud-end goes on the left side – the short bolt attaches the
right end.
The x-braces go on either side of the bar.
Mount the counter timer onto the stud.
See instructions at the
end of this manual for wiring the counter-timer.
Photocell bracket:
a piece of square tubing about fourteen inches
long with wires.
Reflector bracket:
like the photocell bracket without wires.
The brackets project out from the bottoms of the channels –
photocell on the right and reflectors on the left.
Bolt the photocells
to the right channel. Remove the temporary
rear-guard bolts and sandwich the end of the rear guard between
the photocells and the channel.
Run the wires
through the rectangular access hole just above the
bracket and up the inside of the channel, through the wire clips
until they reach the spacer bar.
Attach the reflector bracket
to the left channel with the reflectors
facing the photocells.
Frame wire – at top of right frame:
Push wires through rubber-grommet hole in right channel and down
through wire clips to the spacer-bar.
Connect frame-wire to photocell-wires
(two sets of bullet-connectors).
Push two longer wires
(marked “switch” and “valve”) through slot at bottom of control panel and connect
to switch and solenoid-valve.
Attach the wires at the bottom of the frame to the transformer.
Extra cord is in the frame if needed.
Excess should be coiled at the top of the frame and pushed into the leg.
Wrap the gray cord
around the spacer bar, running it across the Treadwall to the left channel and out
through the hole at the counter-timer.
Turn to page 15 for further wiring instructions.
Plug in the transformer.
When you block either of the photocells, you should hear a faint click inside the
photocell bracket.
Align them as detailed on page 15.
Attach wires to the spacer bar with ties –
no loose cord to catch moving parts.